This store has very clear purposes that we want to share with you.
> Always offer the best possible material, 100% original. You will never see any copy in this store, however good it may be.
> To be able to guarantee the fastest deliveries, completing and sending the orders the same day we receive it, Saturdays and Sundays allowing, and if they arrive on time for the courier can pick them up.
> To be able to offer the best possible advice to customers who ask us for advice through our contacts. From fishermen to fishermen, and if there is something that is out of our control, we put you in touch with some of our collaborators who can give you tips on very specific topics.
> We try to be serious, honest and responsible, but at the end of the day we are human, and occasionally we make a mistake, we count on your understanding and kindness and that you grant us a second chance.
> And above all, we love saltwater lure fishing, we really do, ask around, the web reveals many secrets.
If you are passionate about lure fishing at sea, hunting sea bass in the breakers or in the silence of a lagoon, raising leerfishwith a popper, or bluefishwith a WTD, we may have something to share and that you may like. If you have fun as a kid with rockfishing, ajing, or with ultra-light fishing like darting, surface or with micro soft plastics, we understand you and try to bring the best products we can find. If top water fishing drives you mental, we promise you that here you will find someone who shares your same disorders, as well as if the sudden halt to a jerkbait or a softie maneuvered slowly along the bottom drives you crazy. If yours is to scratch the abysses with slow jigging, inchiku or kabura, we listen, since the jigging adventure began in Spain we have always been on the case, exploring all the possibilities offered by vertical fishing.